Women and Financial Strategies


Women who share money management duties with their partner tend to take on a lion’s share of the responsibility for the household finances. Yet only 18% of women feel very confident in their ability to fully retire with a comfortable lifestyle.

Women who share money management duties with their partner tend to take on a lion’s share of the responsibility for the household finances. Yet only 18% of women feel very confident in their ability to fully retire with a comfortable lifestyle.

The reason behind this disparity doesn't seem to be a lack of education or independence. Today, women are more likely to attend college and to graduate than men. So what keeps them from taking charge of their long-term financial picture?

Financial Experience

One reason may be a lack of confidence. One study found that only 55% of women feel confident in their ability to manage their finances. Women may shy away from discussing money because they don’t want to appear uneducated or naive, and they may hesitate to ask questions as a result.

In addition, Wall Street traditionally has been a male-dominated field. Women who often have expertise in other areas may feel uneasy amidst complex calculations and long-term financial projections. Just the jargon of personal finance can be intimidating: 401(k), 403(b), fixed, variable. To someone inexperienced in the field of personal finance, it may seem like an entirely different language.

Initiate a Plan and Implement It

Regardless of the reason for financial uncertainty, it's important that women continue to gain confidence with their finances, to both feel empowered to make their own decisions and to control their own financial future. Women on average live longer than men, and potentially face higher healthcare expenses. Leaving your retirement to chance is never a good plan.

Ashleigh Hutchinson, Private Banker with Associated Bank Private Wealth, helps women gain that confidence. Ashleigh loves to empower women to make sound financial decisions. Her goal with every client is to listen, understand concerns and guide women with financial planning decisions to improve their lives. Ashleigh is committed to not only helping with the short-term financial decisions of today but also with planning and implementing the long-term financial strategies that will help provide peace of mind in the future.

Ashleigh knows women make important decisions every day for their families, their employers, their businesses and others, yet they often overlook their own financial security. Women need to be cautious not to overlook their own financial future.

If you've left your long-term financial strategy to chance, now is the time to make a change and retake control. Seek help if you want it. Educate yourself if you need it. And don't be afraid to ask for clarification if the conversation turns to something unfamiliar. Nobody is an expert in all areas of life.

Consider talking with a financial professional about your goals and ambitions for retirement. And no matter what or where you are in life, be sure you treat your own financial future with the utmost importance!

For more information, contact Ashleigh Hutchinson today!

Ashleigh Hutchinson

Private Banker, Associated Bank Private Wealth



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